Saturday, May 3, 2008


towel rack
When do I write?  What's the best time? 

For me, I enjoy journal writing nightly.  I grab a fountain pen  loaded with deep blue/black/brown waterproof ink  and write the events of the day.  I write this around whatever I may have sketched during the day.  The writing might relate, it might not.  It doesn't really matter. 

It's a little routine for me and that's the main point.  I want writing in my journal to be a regular event.  I carry it with me through the day and write as I have a few moments.  This is especially great however there are a few caveats.  I could misplace it, not have the privacy I want in order to really focus on the writing.  Sometimes I write at my work desk only to be interrupted and lose my whole train of thought.  Rather, I find that writing at the end of the day puts things in perspective.  Then I can write only what is important, notable, or eventful.


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